New Year, New You, right?

What’s going to make this year different from others?
Whether you are looking to drop a few pounds, or tweak your program and take your fitness to the next level, finding a partner to share in that process has proven to be very successful. Studies show that people will stick to a program if they have a friend, co-worker or spouse to share in the journey. Making exercise a part of your lifestyle requires both physical and mental preparation. The right mindset will guide you down the road to a healthy lifestyle.
Here are a few tips to help stay motivated –
Make the commitment- try making a vision board as a reminder of your goals. Put it somewhere you’ll see it several times a day.
Make a plan – be sure to have only healthy foods available at home and work. Plan out your meals and snacks.
Schedule your workouts in your planner just like any other important meeting.
Make sure you have a network of support. Join a sports league or group fitness class. Start a walking or jogging group in your neighborhood or at work.
Stay positive and be realistic.-
There’s nothing stopping you from being the best you can be except for poor choices. Work on these tips and break through the barriers making this year the best you can be!
If you are looking for a qualified professional to help you reach your goals this year, consider these programs I offer.
One-One-One Personal Training– Of course I am available for personal training on-line and in person for those who live in my area. Learn More-
Trampoline Fitness Classes- If you live in the area of Ann Arbor, join me weekly for something totally fun and different. My Total Body Jump class will give you a high intensity, low-impact workout that leaves you feeling energized, not exhausted and drained. Lean more about that here-
Feel free to contact me for a free personal consultation at, because my goal is to help you reach yours!
If you have found any of these or other tips to have helped you in your healthy lifestyle journey, please share and leave a comment below, I would love to hear from you!